Monday, October 15, 2012

The Burden Be...

Love is hard.

Often it leads you to places you never expected and to do work that is so rewarding.

It looks like perseverance. A smile when you’re being stared at or attempting a conversation when you know your speech is going to be made light of.

Maybe it’s having your heart broken to see desolation and unlivable conditions, and have them seem viewed as normal by others, all while using everything in your power to keep it together.

It’s being bored out of your mind but sitting through the four hour church service you were invited to anyway.

Sometimes it is going to dinner and spending time with people who opened their home to you when you have a migraine and want nothing more than to lie down and sleep.

It is feeling lonely and missing out on the lives of those you love, maybe even not getting to say that permanent goodbye.

It is sacrifice. But the work that I do and the words I speak to convince a crowd, if they don’t have love, I leave a void attempt to do good and a bitter taste with every word I say.

If I don’t have love I waste my breath.

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