Thursday, October 20, 2011


The Psalms. They are the bible's little poetic wonder and one of my favourite books. Why, you may ask? Because within it's chapters are spirit-lifting stanzas of praise, sorrow, anger, joy and questioning cries to God. They show beautiful and multi-layered relationships between man and God. For me it shows the rawness of the human spirit that is in Love with God. While there are many uplifting and profound verses all over the place, it's often the smallest, single sentences that catch me.

Psalms 21 v. 13 (Message) was one that grabbed me; "Show your strength God, so no one will miss it." We all have weaknesses or character flaws, or face hardships but as Paul writes about Christ's authority," My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

I face some form of weakness or hardship everyday. Whether it is contesting my pride, mucking through depression, attempting to scramble through a language barrier, or needing God to warm my ice cold heart to show unconditioned love to people. I know my faults bring me down and it's a constant battle and I am just a man. However, wiping that aforementioned cliché from my eyes, I have to be honest with myself, because it kills me to see hypocrisy and lies within my own life. I know there is more to life then slavery to these things, there is more to life then drinking in soul-intoxicating complacency.

I am not saint but I have a great Saviour. As such I will continue to ask he show his strength in me in the areas where I no longer have any so no one can miss recognising him.

2 Corinthians 12 (esp v. 7-10)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

St. Augustine Inspires

From my birth I have been apart of you.
In many ways you are my mother.
But time has a way of exposing that which lies beneath:

The Kingdom, you have abandoned the Kingdom for self-indulgence!
You savage that which Papa gave you,
Using it for your wanton luxury
You mistake gluttony for beauty, and mask the truth for the sake of simplicity

The Kingdom, oh the Kingdom you have abandoned for self-indulgence
You shout your "Devotion" from the high places
Yet, you disguise your debauchery,
Clothing it under the linen of popular belief; that of earthly standards.

You have let your Love become a Four-Letter Lie
Holding your arms out wide, you call to those with burdens
They put their hearts within your care yet you bind them up,
Placing upon them a weight they were not ment to carry.
Holding them to the letters of the Law, to that from which they have been freed!

You have let you Love become a Four-Letter Lie.
Allowing yourself to become weak and comfortable
You pray diligently for safety when you were made to be ferocious, a lioness, a force to be reckoned with.
Tarry not in worry over your failure, but fret over your success in that which is of no consequence!

You may be a whore, but you are my Mother!
As it is, turn from the path you have taken, and step out of the darkness!
Sink your fangs into injustice! Promote the Peace Everlasting!
Cultivate that which you desire to see, or receive only that which the World can give you.
Chase after An Geadh-Glas, pursue once again, and be unified with the One who gave you your voice.

2 Corinthians 13 v. 5: Read It.