Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Where Friday Night Lights meets Spiritual Questioning

Friday nights bell game is what actually started this thought process. The topic, sexuality.
I know right me talking about this subject, but as I've been thinking about it, it is such a huge area in every human beings life and yet it is the least talked about in the Body as to how we gauge what is ok and what is to far for purity.
What started this questioning was the cheerleader's performance at half-time at the Bell game Friday night. The struggle:

Where's the point where enjoyment of a woman's beauty becomes lust?

I guess this thought was brought up after the performance when a couple of fellow christian males made comments about how good they did and so forth. The bible mentions purity several times and in several contexts 1 Tim. 5 for example but when I read passages on it. I feel as if I miss or it doesn't define or describe where being a human male changes toward sin. We were created with a sexual drive and in the proper ways is a wonderful gift. But when we are single wheres the line?

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