Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Open Your Eyes

Open your eyes now. Oh, can't you see.
You had everything you should have ever wanted
The hope; to live, love and lead.

How could you have been so blind.
Was it a slow fade, or a quick drop to the bottom.

She was your star, now, she's your scar, now.
You let her bleed.

There's no point in saying the things you've heard a thousand times from better men then I.
I'm not one to judge,
What have I to make me better.

Yet forgiveness isn't one that comes so easily
It's a daily decision to cast down the nets you hold
The ones that tangle, wrap and bind

As simple as it was, I hope you're a better man now for it.

You've opened my eyes now. Oh, can't you see
I had everything I should have ever wanted
The hope; to live, to love, and lead

I held everything to close, when I should have let it go.
Things that were my stars, now, they're my scars, now.
I let them bleed

As simple as it was, I pray I can be a better man now for it

It may be to late for me, I can't be what is needed for me to be.
It's to late to see if you can reach me

Yet, I'll do what I can, to stay true to the end
To who I was, and with who I am
I hope that will make me the better man.

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