Monday, April 16, 2012

The Shadow Proves the Sunshine

The thorn. Paul's burden to carry.

For whatever purpose, his second letter to the Corinthians, in which he describes his convictions and experiences with weakness, has been looping itself through my mind. In this passage he reminds us of our frailty as humans and a susceptibility to weakness and strife. The things in our lives that hold as a consistent reminder to keep us from boasting of ourselves.

The simple lyric (and also the title of the song) by Switchfoot has made a tremendous impact and initiated this whole string of thought process. It is one line but it holds an array of symbolism and artistic truth. We humans all have an encumbrance in one form or other that is a part of us, no matter how dark (shadow). It follows us, reminding us of our imperfection. If we are walking in our own way, we seek it and it dominates our path before us. But turn towards the Son, and suddenly it is no longer in the forefront. For his "grace is sufficient" and his "power is made perfect in weakness".

Read it for yourself: 2 Corinthians 12 v.7

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