Monday, August 20, 2012

Triple Wedding Surprise

I have mostly come to accept the fact that half of the time I am not going to fully understand what it happening around me here in Kenya. Part of that being that I can only catch half of what is being said in KiSwahili and the other because it seems to be a cultural norm to never completely reveal all of the information.

This very surprise occurred to me yesterday when I was invited to church with a shop owner I had met my first day here in Ngorika. As I am sitting in church, I noticed that there is something "extra" going on. Granted I have never been to an Anglican Church before but there seemed to be an unusual amount of extra-well dressed people (which I am not one of) and an allergy attack full of flowers. Upon questioning my host explained to me that a triple wedding was taking place today DURING the service, a really cool thing the church does for couples who aren't able to afford a wedding of their own.

It simply goes to remind me that I need to be flexible and prepared for just about ANYTHING to happen over these next two years...

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