Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Coming, Going, and the Art of Seeing

The notion of duality continues to be in constant presence in my thoughts. Our silly human notions of what is good or bad, black and white. Are these always a constant in the “category” in which we place them? Why do they differ often dramatically even amongst people of the same faith system? And most importantly what does G-d say?

We are called to do what is RIGHT. Not “right” as being opposed to “wrong”, “bad”, or “evil”, I think it is more subtle than that, as in, “this is appropriate”, “this is better”, or “ this is in sync with LOVE”. It is having the right view, the right speech, the right intention, the right action, the right meditation.

It is learning to be HERE, present in each moment and notice what’s going on. Our obligation is to be in the ebb and flow of a LOVE relationship with G-d. Therefore, our real moral responsibility is being aware of the moment and leaving the hard and fast rules behind - we are no longer bound by the Law anyway. (Romans 8 v 2-3, Galatians 3, etc). Strictly follow any rule and it will bring you to confusion because there can be any number of contradictions and paradoxes.
Ex. Drinking –Jesus turned water into wine as a first miracle, you tell me they didn’t drink it afterward. Lying – What if it is to save lives (i.g. Gestapo’s asking you if you have Jews hiding in your attic). Marrying a Non-Christian – what if God tells you explicitly to do so (trust me I have stories). Etc, etc, etc.

Now I’m not saying go and do whatever, 1 Corinthians 10 v. 23: “Everything is permissible – but not everything is beneficial,” simply that, in the end, it’s not about the rules, what you’ve been “told is right” all your life, or what a preacher yells (sometimes hatefully) from a pulpit on the news. It’s about the situation, and whether or not your actions end in LOVE, because we are free when we love and are no longer bound by commands which lead to guilt (Galatians 5 v. 13-14). We cannot do wrong when our actions are loving.

Cause if they are that’s where G-d will be.

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