Monday, November 25, 2013


It's about counting the steps from where you are to where you started.
It's reviewing the path of life that you have been on and what it has taken to get there.
It's knowing the Rocks that have remained underfoot, those that have remained steady for you.
It's the acknowledgment that their presence have made all the difference for you.

It's also recounting the treacheries and catchments that have come your way.
It's knowing the power they held against you, and yet knowing that without them you would not know what it means to overcome.
It's remembering that the hardship they brought you has refined you and made you stronger.

It's reminiscing about the past, being satisfied with the present, and celebrating what it to come.
It takes thought, effort and a touch of humility.
It's makes all the difference

What are you thankful for?

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