Saturday, February 21, 2015

He is...

He is often in transit, place to place, person to person, experience to experience.
Restless, he tries to live on many levels at once.
Contradiction appears to be his sustenance. His modes of expression are polar.  Whatever he is feeling, his first instinct is to disguise it. 

In a constant tug of war between wanting to go experience everything right now and "whoa, I need to process what just happened," he loves to be at the party but a party with contemplative people alternating between being crazy and discussing the meaning of life.

He abhors schedule and will not be prisoner to the clock.  Rarely will he take meals at set times or be regular on sleeping and waking, regularly forgetting his physical needs exist. 

Routine suppresses his energy and when subject to it may become restless and argumentative. Keep him guessing, he is piqued by uncertainty. This constantly stresses out friends who don't like straying from the original plan.

He owns the gift of gab, flirting between subjects and topics. Although his restlessness is evident in his conversation, he adores words, preferring them as weapons.  He tries to speak with a special glitter and radiance. Unfortunately, gossip intrigues him. Weighing in with scathing comments, especially in the sphere of morality. Don't take it too seriously though, this isn't an indicator of overall opinion.  His are situational and entirely different based on background.

Honest to a T, he tries to keep it tactful but real.  He would never intentionally lie, whatever he tells you he absolutely means and believes in that moment, but hold him to his word and keep up with reminding him, cause he's likely to forget a promise a few days later.

Debate excites him. He doesn't have to be right, though he will argue like he does, it's the process that gives him the trill.  Some resistance, some form of protest must be given before he can be satisfied and feel there is victory. Though people often confuse his need to process things out loud with either a search for advice or the search for argument.

Free flowing and spontaneous, highly volatile at times, he seems. He desires the impression of magnetism, to seem fascinating and many-sided, intellectual and wise.  He may feel, rather, to have lack of control and painfully aware of how people react, and perceive him.

His enthusiasm draws him thin, enterprising on many things.  Launching many projects with great initiative out the gate, he struggles to stay on course. Boring to quickly, he will have thousands of ideas he's like never to follow up on. Once the main thrust of a challenge has been met he, unfortunately, begins to look for the next challenge, something new and different. 

Intellect and imagination are as important to him as realism and practicality; interested in a wide range of experiences, from classical concerts to your neighborhood roller rink, he has to mix things up.  

Eager to take blame on himself, he does not do well with failure, triggering depressed emotions. Failure, it seems, confirms his secret feelings of inadequacy.  This cyclothemia is short lived, as another interest zooms in to send his emotions soaring once again.

He is a hard worker, an unstoppable force of productivity and creativity, for the short stretch of twenty minutes. A mental challenge encourages his best work.  Though play trumps work anytime. He begrudgingly accepts Peter Pan as his proposed spirit animal.  

Within him wells deep curiosity and fascination with story.  He may ask you a million questions without realizing how intrusive they may seem and beg for the most telling stories.  However, hold some information in reserve, mystery is tantalizing and indicates secret depth. Remember, he is eternally curious.

He loves love and will take it wherever he can find it, gravitating to new strangers often, the stranger the better. Touch and time are his modes of expression. A bear hug or a meaningful conversation means the world to him.  He will pull one into conversation, overflowing with ideas and interesting experiences, attempting to get them laughing as soon as possible. Unfortunately this can mean everyone thinking he's flirting with them, all the time.

Unbreakably calm and laid back his actions are often confused as indecision.  Rather, it is the time spent with him, more then the activity that means something.  However, he will express his lack of desire to participate in an activity he doesn't like.  

Extremes or fanatical conviction in religion or politics turn him off.  He is liberal and tolerant by nature, able to see multiple sides to any question. Narrow or close-minded people won't go far with him. However, he owns surprisingly strong in opinions and beliefs despite his easy-going nature.

He needs significantly more alone time then other extroverts, he wants to be alone, but, ya know, with other people nearby. He is fiercely independent, but bored without company.

Stubborn beyond belief, he may bite off more then he can chew... and continue chewing, because plot and because he is a walking contradiction in almost every way but wouldn't change a thing, even if he could.

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