Sunday, February 15, 2015

Messy People

I love messy people.  The type of people who don't always have their shit together.
The ones with vices. Who, in whatever they lack, make up for in unadulterated realness.
A rawness, carved out by the chaos of the life that surrounds them.

I love people the people that stick out.
The ones who don't always choose the "correct" path.  The ones with unwavering convictions and an integrity all their own.

I love grey people.  The ones who would never claim to have "the answer".  The ones that always question, always observe, always yearn to learn. They, who don't think in black and white but try to understand.

I love people who dissolve convention and model different standards.  The ones who speak with words wrought with colour and intensity.  The ones who seek truth in art, and let music guide their soul. The sparks of creativity in an increasingly desolate world.

I love broken people.  Strong in their own ways, but may need a leg up.  The ones who've seen things unspeakable and yearn to never see another without a smile one their face.  They, who remind me that the fires that soften the oldest potato are the same flames that harden the egg.

I love those who love because it's the only thing they have left.  The ones who are just a little bit naive but don't let it get them down.

I love....

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