Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Discovery of Personality

Recently I was exposed to this book: Please Understand Me II by David Keirsey. (Thanks and props to Josh Harnden).

It has provided me with a wonderful discovery of myself as to how I relate to others, process things, and view a lot of different things.

My personality type: INFP. Which according to the Myer-Briggs Test is the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving group. According to the book I am a rarer breed, making up only around 1% of the population.

In all honesty I was very skeptical going into taking the test and reading the book, but was simply amazed at how accurately my result fit how I see myself. No to mention how much it gave me understanding for how I comprehend and do things.

According to the book I am "The Healer":

The Healer, I mend divisions
Altruism flows from within me
In the Depths, serenity I do not have
Passion burns within me, a need to make things whole
Empathic I am, glory filled I am not

Benevolence holds me, enthusiasm grips me
I yearn for purity, aspire to wisdom, and search for truth
Aesthetics move me, romance swoons me
And I feel from deep within my bones

Patience in the midst of complication, impatience with routine
I welcome the new, but revere the old
Relate, I do with reservation
Harmony binds me, where commitment finds me
I dislike my credulous nature

From adaptability, and dependability I will not budge
For "If-then" is not my home
Intuition my guide and impressionism my struggle
I will fight for you, love for you,
I would die for you
All I need is your care

Needless to say I'm rather excited about this newly found knowledge. I so appreciative of how God created me to think and relate to others.

As such I encourage you to GO READ THIS BOOK!

Any books hit you crazy recently?
Has God shown you anything about yourself in unexpected ways?

1 comment:

Twila said...

Hey I just made my blog private so if you want to read it send me your email address that you use for blogger so I can add you as a reader! Email me at and let me know.