Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Forgiveness As A Four Letter Word

The theme of forgiveness has been a constant blip on my radar over these last few weeks. It's something that rarely gets discussed in detail yet is a concept that has influence on our lives constantly.

And it's messy.

Sometimes forgiveness is an act that has awe-inspiring power.  We hear stories of amazing acts of forgiveness that leave us questioning, "Could I ever do that?" Other times stories of un-forgiveness leave us cheering because we believe the act to be completely justifiable, even consider justice to have been served. Occasionally we even find ourselves angry at someone else because they aren't showing forgiveness when we believe it is deserved or called for.

We should never forget the forgiveness takes time.

When bad things happen or our done to us we have a right to be angry. I have a right to be angry at the individual who's actions physically harmed me and took me away from my work and a continent and country that stole my heart.

I don't have a right to let my actions from my angry bring harm to another.

Forgiveness takes time and practice.  Very few people (and I applaud you if you can) are able to simply wake up the next morning and decide to be ok with everything. Sometimes you have to remind yourself daily that you forgive that person.

Holding on to the hurt/anger/pain only hurts you, not them.  It eats you up inside and influences your emotions not theirs. Forgiveness is choosing to put down the thing that is binding you to them negatively and walking away...

It's Love.

1 comment:

Savory Health said...

You are so right my dear nephew. You are wise beyond your years. It does take work and it also takes compassion in order to see that we all have things to learn. All of us. We must let go of all those things that bind us to the past, resentment, regret, etc. so we can be in the present and expand into Love. We are all faced with this, we are not alone. Love you dear