Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Two Sides of the Same Coin


That's where a lot of our mindsets as humans, especially mine, need to start and end.  We're to busy with what we're feeling at a given moment to take a step back and look at the bigger picture surrounding the emotional situation we are in.

The emotional situation I am currently in is restlessness and the feeling of stagnation.  If there's one thing I've learned through living through the Peace Corps experience it is patience. Now, mind you that doesn't mean I don't get frustrated and anxious when I'm waiting for things to happen, it has simply made me realise that when you're involve with the government, especially Peace Corps, there is a lot of waiting around and then when things get moving, they REALLY get moving.

However, talking with a wonderful friend of mine the other day, I began to remember the simple importance of being thankful, even when things don't seem to being going well.

Yes, somedays I have too much free time being stuck in a hotel room cause it's too stormy outside. Yes, I'm not currently working on things that I really desire to be doing or living where I prefer to be. Yes, I fall down stairs, run over old ladies, and embarrass myself reaching for objects that are actually five inches to the left.

Yet at the same time how much do I complain that I don't get enough breaks when I am busy and doing the work that I desire?  How much do I complain when it's 110 degrees outside and my flesh is burning off?  And lets face it how much do I really injure and embarrass myself anyway, even with normal vision?...

It's time to be grateful that I can see Washington D.C., that I have amazing medical (and Peace Corps) staff taking care of me, and that I'm whole, safe, and, I don't mean to brag, but look dang good with my new professionally done hair cut.  What uuup!?

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