Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Tuesday Kind of Person

I've always liked Tuesdays but Tuesday is a day that is often taken for granted.  It isn't a particularly special day of the week so it can be left out and forgotten.  Most people recognise Monday as the dreaded start of the week. Friday's are of course the "let it all hang out" end to the week and we all know why weekends are awesome.  Heck even Thursday gets "Throwback Thursday."

But Tuesdays? People are relatively indifferent about Tuesdays.

Yet, Tuesday is the kind of person I want to be.  Tuesday in some languages literally means to come second.  In a culture where everyone strives to come in first, pushing others towards the bottom, I want to be ok with coming in second.  I desire to put others before myself.  I don't want to be the one that stops the world from spinning, just the one to love in a way that isn't indulgent, but keeps others grounded in spite of the uncontrollable spinning of this life.

Tuesday is a realistic philosopher. I want not to delude myself with fantasies of the future or create ambitions that are unsustainable.  Rather, to dream little dreams, and create little schemes that don't make the here and now become inconsequential.  I want to breathe relevance into monotony, to take colourless instances and make them vibrant.  I want to get easily wrapped up in directionless conversations about what happened five years ago that makes today experiences important. To be so full on someone else's words, there isn't room for anything else.

I want to do things for the enjoyment of the things themselves not for who might be watching.

Named after the Norse god of justice, and forward thinking, Tuesday is the bridging day. I want to be the connecting point between others, or between people and their dreams.  I want to be someone who does not forget what lay behind but also keeps an eye on what is to come, and what possibilities humanity can have. To make changes for the sake of making things better, not for show or recognition.

"Tuesday's child is full of grace" as the saying goes.  And while it would be nice to live in simplistic elegance, I want to live in a state of being considerate and thoughtful.  And while its necessary to celebrate and forget temporarily, I don't want to live there forever.
When the laze and haze of the weekend has worn thin and seems more distant than ever, I want to have a Tuesday kind of being.

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