Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I am angry...

As Christians we should acknowledge the things that are ugly and manifestations of sin. We must not be afraid of recognising them, of vocalising them. It is important to state them to our father so that he will be glorified. Matthew 10 v. 26-33

I am angry when I see a women searching for assistance but is so drugged up,
she cannot focus enough to remember personal information.
I am angry when a man has to choose between school or working 12 hr days to provide for himself/his parents.
I am angry when I see a teenage mother struggling to provide for her child.
I am angry to encounter a man completely wasted a 11 in the morning.
I am angry when people act as if they are too good to be near someone who they judge as below them.
I am angry when people passing by give the ugliest looks to my friend who is homeless
because, being happy to see me, he decided to serenade me with a goofy song.
I am angry...

May we never ignore them or consider their hardships to be normative.
and May we hold to the promise of Revelation 21 v. 3-5.

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