Monday, June 18, 2012


There are many things while living here in Kenya that are DIFFERENT in comparison to life in America, and yet other things are not so much. Some of the things I have complained to myself about at first; having to use a pit latrine, sweet potatoes and eggs for breakfast, and fluctuating ability to have running water and/or electricity.
Then I read Exodus 16 v. 9-16. This passage reminds me of the foolishness of this way of thinking! I wanted this. I asked to be a part of G-d’s work and to be sent wherever he might have me. My basic needs are provided for; food to eat, a place to rest my head, and a way to dispose of my waste and yet I sit and complain because I am slightly uncomfortable!?
I am reminded that he promised that he and he alone is enough for me. I must remember to embrace his being and delight in his enoughness. Besides, my legs are getting stronger having to squat to poop, I have a better gag reflex and my host mama came up with a brilliant way to get me to like eating eggs, and it’s like being on a perpetual camping trip that I loved growing up.

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