Saturday, June 30, 2012

A Lesson In Time

I am beginning to see time as being a ruler with which to measure the state of deterioration. Now please don’t mistake me for being pessimistic or morbid, that is not my direction of thought, but rather I mention this view as a corner stone for which to base my most recent musings.
The concept of time here in Kenya is so very different than anything one would experience in America. We have literally been told that if you want a meeting to start at a certain time we need to say that the meeting time is two hours before we mean to start… Annoying some might say. Frustrating at times, yes, however, I am finding that I love it. Everyone walks slower, talks slower, I swear even the flies attempt to get away from your swatting slower. A greeting is hardly ever just in passing. A simple hello to a stranger is often expected to be at least a 5 minute conversation. I can only imagine if you haven’t seen someone you know in a long time!
I love this mindset though. I think Kenyan’s get it. Kurt got my brain thinking along this track before I left. We are all allotted the exact same time during the day, none of us is truly “busier” than anyone else, simply hurried or attempting to cram more into our given time. That is why time is the greatest gift. When I give you my time, I am giving you my LIFE. Period. It is a gift, when given, I can give to you and only YOU. As a being outside of time it is something not even G-d can gift. It is a concept that I have felt deep within for years but never had the words to express.
I am beginning to view every moment as immeasurably sacred, because every moment is a little bit of the precious commodity that I have on this earth—my life. Two years, separated from the people I love, and the things I understand, it’s a heavy price. But it is worth every bit. =)

Rev. 10 v. 6

Tutaonana (until we see each other)

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