Friday, March 29, 2013

I believe,....

We are temporary - Live like it

Everyone matters - Act as if everyone is better then you.

It's important to debrief with someone you trust occasionally -  Things influence you more then you think, as well as there is value in a secondary view-point.

Acceptance isn't bad - But don't let the need for it influence your decisions about yourself.

A counterfeit friend is worse than an enemy - Evaluate your relationships occasionally. 

Eternity is in our hearts - Give it out to others.

We should live outwardly and on purpose - So that when your gone, others will miss you, and not just your friends.   

Crying doesn't indicate weakness - but it doesn't solve your problems either.

A bad outcome is not determinant of the future - Don't be afraid to make decisions.

The only thing that matters is your relationship with God - Don't let others opinions or voices block it out.

Every season passes sooner then we mean for it to - Never neglect telling others how much they mean to you.

Love is a verb, not a noun - Do.

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