Sunday, September 2, 2012

Of Loneliness and Isolation

I still marvel at how simple conversations can impact your outlook and how little comments can connect aspects about your life that you hadn’t made before. This last weekend I got the privilege of having such a conversation this weekend with a fellow volunteer.

It’s content was simple; why do you identify the way that you do and how does that effect your directions and decisions in life. This of course became a mini Nathan’s-life history lesson; from relationships to bad decisions, identity crisis’ to how G-d’s timing has played its role to put me where I am now. Towards the end of the conversation she said nothing but a simple phrase that sent me reeling. “It’s funny how for so much of your life you experienced feeling utterly alone, then you find yourself surrounded by people who love you, and come to discover the levels to which that holds true right at the time when you have made a decision that truly puts you in a place of isolation.”

I’m alone, and it is unbelievably hard, but I want something more. I want to fully grasp what Paul talks about in Phillipians 4 v. 11, and come to see that just maybe isolation can be a gift, especially cause I am never truly alone…

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